Monday, October 12, 2009


1.- Before KISS
2.- While in KISS
3.- Performing in KISS
4.- After KISS

Ace Frehley, a legend, a rock idol, a movie star, in a few words, the greatest rock icon, known as the "Celestial One", "Mr. Excitement" or simply as the “Spaceman”, Ace, with his impressive lead guitar riffs and stinging vibrato has been a major influence on rock guitar for over three decades.

Paul Daniel Frehley was born in the Bronx, located in New York City on April 27, 1951. Before becoming the greatest member of the rock band KISS, he was a taxi driver; until one day he answered an advertisement for a guitarist in the magazine " The Village Voice" which said: "Guitarist wanted with flash and balls. " He walks into the audition with an orange sneaker and a red sneaker. Ace played a ripping solo and a week later, he was in the band , which later named itself: KISS and that is how Ace started his legend in the rock history. He also designed the KISS logo which is still used.

While he was performing in the band, he wore a big black space suit, with enormous solver shoulder pads and a big ensemble in the chest with a lot of small pieces of mirrors, which made a lot of colored lights shine in the stage. Also he wore a pair of giant silver boots; they were around twenty centimeters high. Under his big space costume, he wore a black stretch suit which was full of silver holes too.

His hair has been very large and messed up since he became the best guitar player of all times; at the beginning of the band, the four members of it, were wearing spectacular and exaggerated make up. Ace’s character was called “Space Ace”, that is why his characterization was related to the space: all his face was painted in white, his eyes were shaped as two sliver stars whit his eyelids on blue, and his lips were painted in black.

When he was playing his guitar on the stage, the lights, the explosions and the excitement of being praised by the fans, made Ace sweat, and every drop fell over his gorgeous face, which unpainted it and he looked very messy but he never lost his exquisiteness. A special feature he used to do was the burning guitar during a guitar solo, which was put on a wire and sent up into the air, and then he got another guitar with a rocket launcher and shoots rockets. It was an amazing show which made him look like a god.

Nowadays, after he had a car accident caused by the alcohol and drugs excess, he is out of the band and currently he performs by himself, with a different band and goes without make up. However he is still as extremely gifted, wonderful and lovely as ever; even though he has a little hole in his right check caused by a long battle with alcohol and other substances.

Ace will be remembered not only for his body of work with KISS but for his originality as a guitarist and a major influence on guitarists over the world. He will also be remembered for his comeback from the abyss of personal problems and professional disappointment to reunite with one of rock's greatest bands. He has made an impact on the lives of many people and will always continue to do so.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Electronic Tools at School

1.- Use of Electronic Tools at School
b)Chat rooms
c)Discussion boards

2.-Infuence of Electronic Tools at School
a)Improving the school life
b)Usefulness of Electronic tools
c)Advantages and disadvantages

3.-Educational Research
a)Using Electronic tools

4.- Experience

Nowadays, electronic tools are essential in the daily life of any person, especially of students. The use of internet has caused a revolution and it has facilitated school work in many aspects. However it has advantages as well as disadvantages. For that reason, people must be careful and they need to be well prepared to use them.

Electronic tools, were introduced in my life since I started studying at the University, 5 years ago in the Business Communication, where it was compulsory for research. Even though most of the research was on books, internet performed a huge role to reinforce researches. The use of e-mails to send an assignment was not necessary because they were delivered physically. This was an advantage to all of us who could not enjoy internet at home; nevertheless, those who did it, had the benefit of not wasting a lot of time doing a research project at the library.

Today, just 3 years later, the use of internet has become very crucial. Most of the students are required to do their research using internet. Besides, most of the homework must be sent to teachers by e-mail. Many documents should be published on blogs or discussion boards. This is a big advantage for all who are familiarized with the use of electronic tools. In the same way, those who are not, commonly have problems with this.

The use of electronic tools in my personal experience has represented an enormous benefit because of the previous statements and also because it keeps me in touch with many friends who are not close to me. However, it has caused some difficulties in my life. First of all due to not having the appropriate equipment to do my documents and assignments. On the other hand, I faced the most horrible problem with the use of e-mail: I sent a letter to a friend in France telling him the summary of my life, but something happened when I pressed the “send” button because the e-mail was sent to all my contacts and obviously they knew what they should not; I had a lot of problems with many people and I had to apologize with many of them.

In many aspects, electronic tools have changed the world; the use of them has facilitated everybody’s life. However, there is the bad side, because if you are not used to them, they can cause you many difficulties.

Monday, September 7, 2009


a)My name
b)My birth city
c)My family

2.-How I am
a)My occupation
b)My likes and dislikes
c)My friends

3.-What I have done
a)My triumphs
b)My loses
c)My expectations

4.-Summarizing my life

I am Lorena Velázquez. I was born on October 9th (the day that John Lennon was born) in the city of Irapuato, Gto. where I lived for 17 years. My parents are Adolfo and Rosa, they have been married for 31 years and I have also a brother named Adolfo, who is older than me for 2 and a half years.

I am a 21 years old student. I live in the state of Aguascalientes with my brother. He does nothing. I love to listen to music, specially rock music. I am also a big fan of the rock band KISS. Because me and my brother live alone, we have to do the housework, and that is what I really hate to do, particularly washing the dishes, and I also hate cooking, for the reason that I do not know how to do it.

Five years ago, I was studying the Bachelor of Arts in Business Communication. Unfortunately, this has been the worst decision I have ever made, because I deserted from it. However, I have always said that you have to learn from your mistakes; and that stage of my life made me stronger. Three years ago, I began to study the B.A. in English Language Teaching, and I have found it very enjoyable.

The best of this period of my life is the friends that I met, I consider the most of them my brothers. We are always for each other, and also we are all day long together: at school, in the messenger and also on weekends.

In 3 years, I hope to finally finish the mayor, with an excellent grading. I will get a comfortable and enjoyable job, and I will never get married.